Whitworth Art Gallery

termín, název výstavy
2012/09/01 - 2013/01/13   Dark Matters: Works from the Collection,
2013/07/05 - 2013/07/07   Nikhil Chopra: Coal on Cotton,
2013/07/05 - 2013/09/01   Revolutionary Light: Blake, Kapoor, Turner,
2013/07/05 - 2013/09/01   Continental Drift: Themes in European Art,
2013/07/05 - 2013/09/01   Wall to Wall,
2013/07/05 - 2013/09/01   Alison Wilding: Deep Water,
2013/07/05 - 2013/09/01   Construction,
2013/07/06 - 2013/09/01   Pavel Büchler: Idle Thoughts,
2013/08/30 - 2013/09/01   Whitworth Weekending,