G. Canale & C. S.p.A.

rok vydání, název (podnázev)
2006, Benezit: Dictionary of Artists (Volume 1: A - Bedeschini)
2006, Benezit: Dictionary of Artists (Volume 2: Bedeschini - Bülow)
2006, Benezit: Dictionary of Artists (Volume 3: Bülow - Cossin)
2006, Benezit: Dictionary of Artists (Volume 4: Cossintino - Dyck)
2006, Benezit: Dictionary of Artists (Volume 5: Dyck - Gémignani)
2006, Benezit: Dictionary of Artists (Volume 6: Gémignani - Herring)
2006, Benezit: Dictionary of Artists (Volume 7: Herring - Koornstra)
2006, Benezit: Dictionary of Artists (Volume 8: Koort - Maekava)
2006, Benezit: Dictionary of Artists (Volume 9: Maele - Müller)
2006, Benezit: Dictionary of Artists (Volume 10: Müller - Pinchetti)
2006, Benezit: Dictionary of Artists (Volume 11: Pinchon - Rouck)
2006, Benezit: Dictionary of Artists (Volume 12: Rouco - Sommer)
2006, Benezit: Dictionary of Artists (Volume 13: Sommer - Valverane)
2006, Benezit: Dictionary of Artists (Volume 14: Valverde - Zyw)