Balkan Konsulat: Prag

termín: 2003/03/01 - 2003/04/19
instituce: Rotor, Association for Contemporary Art
typ výstavy: kolektivní

zpracováno podle
Balkan KOnsulat: Prag
128 pages
Revolver, Frankfurt, 2006
ISBN: 3-86588-230-7
Price: Euro 19,-
The book on the occasion of the exhibition series (2002-2003) with the same title contains projects from Belgrade, St. Petersburg, Prague, Istanbul, Budapest and Sarajevo.
The Balkan Konsult didn't act in a diplomatic sense but was conceived as an exhibition project in the frame of which curators from six cities were in vited to develop presentations of relevant artistic positions with regard to the cities they come from.
Texts by: Judit Angel, Lejla Hodzic, Michal Kolecek, Basak Senova / Erden Kosova, Olesja Turkina, Stevan Vukovic a.o.