Poezija vsakdana: Češka povojna avantgardna fotografija

termín: 2020/09/04 - 2020/10/23
instituce: Photon - Center za sodobno fotografijo
typ výstavy: kolektivní

Poetry of Everyday: Czech Post-war Avantgarde Photography

Tendencies in fine art photography of the 1960s in Czech photography – DOFO Group; surrealism, structuralism, concretism and optical art.

One of the first post-war photographic groups in Czechoslovakia was the DOFO Olomouc Photographers Group (1958-75). The group applied numerous pre-Second World War Bauhaus experimental techniques, and the photographs reflected the subjective feelings of the creators as expressive, structural and often hallucinatory images. The impact of the group’s creations – with their gravity, relevance, and quality – went beyond national borders and contributed to the wider European art scene. The actual exhibition also presents some important predecessors and companions of this group.