Critical Mass: Moscow Art Magazine 1993-2017

strana, autor textu, název, podnázev
3-, Anton Belov, Preface,
7-15, Kate Fowle, Viktor Alexandrovič Miziano (Misiano), The making of Moscow Art Magazine,
19-, Viktor Alexandrovič Miziano (Misiano), It is the End? It is only the Beginning: A Time for Manifestos,
20-23, Anatolij Osmolovskij, A Generation kills a Generation,
24-27, Alexander Davidovič Brener, False Children,
28-31, Oleg Borisovich Kulik, Ludmila Bredikhina, The Political Animal adresses you,
32-36, Vladislav Mamyshev-Monroe, Insinuationism,
38-47, Pavel Vitalijevič Pepperstein, Noma-Noma,
49-55, Ekaterina Degot, The New Adventures of the Elusive, the Inexpressible, and the Unnecessary,
59-, Viktor Alexandrovič Miziano (Misiano), The Phenomenology of the Body,
61-63, Alexander Davidovič Brener, The End of Optics,
64-71, Dmitrij Aleksandrovič Prigov, We are so close, no words are needed,
73-81, Pavel Vitalijevič Pepperstein, Sergey Anufriev, Samodelkin´s Way,
82-85, Ekaterina Degot, The mysterious Russian body,
87-89, Valery Savchuk, The ideology of Post-Information sincerity,
93-95, Viktor Alexandrovič Miziano (Misiano), The new system of art and the new autonomy,
96-101, David Riff, Face control, or losing face at the Moscow Biennale,
103-109, Igor M. Chubarov, Politically strategic forms, or the mimesis of the political. On the rebirth of Moscow Actionism of the 1990s,
110-115, Andrey Parshikov, Fascistoid optics,
117-119, Anatolij Osmolovskij, A number of theses on Non-Spectacular art,
120-123, Stanislav Shuripa, Elusion,
124-129, Lioudmila Voropai, Notes on the social history of russian contemporary art on the first decade of the twenty-first century,
133-135, Viktor Alexandrovič Miziano (Misiano), The new system of art and new autonomy,
136-139, Dmitrij Aleksandrovič Prigov, Spaces (of statement and survival),
140-145, Oleg Aronson, Participation in the community - Non-Participation in the artwork,
146-151, Helen Petrovsky, The ethics of anonymity,
153-155, Maxim Karakulov, The Scholl of Contemporary Art against all. An attempt at representation,
156-161, Nikita (Mykyta) Kadan, Thinking with another person´s head. On communal art production,
162-167, Nikolay Oleynikov, A principally new type of art residence,
168-173, Oxana Timofeeva, From the inoperative community to working groups,
177-, Viktor Alexandrovič Miziano (Misiano), Progressive nostalgia,
178-181, Yevgeniy Fiks, The Post-Soviet artist´s responsibility,
183-195, Hrach Bayadyan, Imaginning the past,
196-203, Keti Chukhrov, The de-ideologization of the "Soviet",
204-207, Dmitry Vilensky, Theses on the soviet,
209-215, Nikita (Mykyta) Kadan, Stand firm,
216-221, Boris Chukhovich, The disintegration of the Post-Soviet and the turkmenification of the whole country,
223-231, Ilya Budraitskis, The intelligentsia as a style,
235-237, Viktor Alexandrovič Miziano (Misiano), The invention of politics,
238-243, Dmitry Vilensky, On the composition of contemporary political art,
244-247, Vladislav Sofronov-Antomoni, Afterword: The critical disposition,
249-253, Alexei Penzin, In defense of crude thinking,
254-259, Arsenij (Arseniy) Zhilyaev, The ethics of the future. Art in the emergency situation of the appearance of hope,
260-269, Haim Sokol, A dictionary of opposition for beginners,
270-276, Keti Chukhrov, Theses on the false democracy of contemporary art,
278-282, Maria Chehonadskih, The mythology of the face: The public sphere, dissident society, and political art,
287-288, Viktor Alexandrovič Miziano (Misiano), New dark times,
294-299, Nikita (Mykyta) Kadan, Into the darkness. Three breaks,
300-307, Valery Savchuk, The return of certainty,
308-315, Yevgeniy Fiks, Landscapes of the Jewish Autonomous Region,
316-321, Igor M. Chubarov, Letters on Anti-Aestetic upbringing. Fifth letter: Art after everything. Beauty and Violence,
322-323, Dmitry Vilensky, On the possibility of light,