Eleven contemporary Artists from Prague

strana, autor textu, název, podnázev
-, Meda Mládková, Eleven contemporary Artists from Prague,
-, Jindřich Chalupecký, Spellbound by Prague,
-, , Jiří Kolář, Jiří Kolář is the only contemporary...
-, Jiří Kolář, Art is still capable of making...,
-, , Stanislav Kolíbal, Stanislav Kolíbal atended the Academy of Apolied Arts...
-, Stanislav Kolíbal, Perhaps I was fortunate...,
-, , Aleš Veselý, Veselý might best be described...
-, Aleš Veselý, I avoid a ceertain..., I am afraid..., The moment I arrived...
-, , Milan Grygar, A tireless effort...
-, Milan Grygar, My move away from painting...,
-, , Eva Kmentová, In her studio...
-, Eva Kmentová, I think my "art" began...,
-, , Karel Nepraš..., The world we live...
-, Jindřich Chalupecký, Karel Nepraš, Your art is of a completely...,
-, , Karel Malich, Karel Malich does not see...
-, Karel Malich, It is in a single point..., 1
-, , Alena K|učerová, It is inappropriate to write...
-, Alena Kučerová, I observe that...,
-, , Ladislav Novák, Novák´s artistic output as...
-, Ladislav Novák, A Small Flowing Luminous Drop, towards a history of my froissages
-, , Adriena Šimotová, Dissatisfied tha her paintings...
-, Adriena Šimotová, I has always been fascinated..., In my work in recent years...
-, , Vladimír Janoušek, Vladimír Janoušek is a sculptor...
-, Vladimír Janoušek, In the early sixties...,